9 months ago

Seven years after the first alpha, Schwarzerblitz v1.6 is out with a HUGE update!

Version 1.6 is live!

Seven years after the first GameJolt alpha, the lightning strikes again! Schwarzerblitz receives one new, massive update!

  • A new playable character: Lucia Lunarossa joins the cast, this time for real!

  • New costumes and some revamped animations

  • Unlockable story NPCs, playable in Versus Mode

  • Version select: choose your favorite old moveset from the alpha and beta times (must be toggled in the options)

  • A short bonus story chapter

  • New arcade endings for Lazor and Rattlebone

  • A new, revamped juggle system

  • New advanced combo trials

  • Balance adjustments all around the board

  • A new secret arcade boss

  • New training options

Thanks for having been here for the ride and, once again, let the Black Lightning strike!


Trailer music

  • Lucia's Theme: "The Heist", by Nicolas Jeudy (cut by A. Demetrio)

  • Main Theme: "The Beach (Original Mix)" by Astral Ft: Platinum Butterfly (c) copyright 2015 - Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license (cut by A. Demetrio)

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Next up

The impossible happened! Schwarzerblitz was featured at EVO 2022 in the Indie Showcase stream, so YES, let me repeat it, SCHWB WAS SHOWN AT EVO 2022!

Thank you all for your continued support, without you and GameJolt, this wouldn't have been possible!

Due to some issues with setting financial information on GameJolt, I am currently not able to offer the latest DLC through this platform.

"Tales from the Epilogue" is currently available on itch and Steam, but compatible with the GJ version of the game.

Schwarzerblitz - 2024 Character Popularity Survey! It takes 3 minutes to fill and will tell me more about your favorite characters! If you filled it already on Twitter, Steam or Discord, don't fill it again! Open till August 12! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdJ8N2hCTAQp5AF-8sg5SDs…

Date a gay shark! Or a lesbian disaster! And uncover the mystery behind the Man who Speaks with Flowers in a new Schwarzerblitz short visual novel! Out now: https://gamejolt.com/games/schwarzerblitz-drinkingsharkrhapsody/…

After a lot of delay (for which I apologize from the bottom of my heart), the 8-Colors Star Guardians+ free DLC costumes are now available for download! This DLC package contains the two previously released DLC packs for the Steam version!

SCHWB v1.6 update is (slightly) delayed to middle of June, due to a couple other indie fighting games coming out at the end of May (thus avoiding a pile-up with them). Fanart submissions for the final release are still open!

Schwarzerblitz v 1.4.6 is out! New costumes, a new stage and bug fixes!

Renzo had a chronic lack of Mid strikes, so I decided to try my luck at giving him at least one with some approach and counter hit combo potential (not sure how good of an idea it is, will keep testing)

To celebrate its 5th anniversary, I've written an article about the very first, janky, SCHWB alpha from 2017! Thank you to all of you who followed the game since its inception despite the jank!


On June 1, 2024. The Red Riding Wolf will howl.

Schwarzerblitz version v1.6 is coming soon, with a new playable character, new arcade endings and a lot of system changes.

The black lightning will strike again.