PvZ: Around the World
4 days ago

Several bugs were found in update 1.3.1. All bugs will be fixed in version 1.4! If you find bugs in the game, be sure to report them!



Next up

🎉 Update 1.2.1 is available for installation!

What's new?

- Correction of errors and bugs.

- New event: A gift from Marigold! (pick up x3 gacha tickets at the store)

- Upgrade compensation: x75 💎 (Pick it up at the store)

🌱 Анонс нового растения - Каштанострела!

🌱 The announcement of a new plant - Chestnshoots!

🤝 Анонс нового растения для коллабы PvZ: AtW & PvZ8-bit - Макомëт!

• Данное растение было добавлено премяком из самой PvZ8-bit! Вы сможете получить его бесплатно, за прохождение события коллабы.

English language will appear in the game starting from version 1.2!

So far, not everything will be translated, but soon with new patches, the translation will be completely completed.

💎 Update 1.3 is available for installation!

3 new plants: Cherry Bomb, Love Orchid, Pea.

- Fully translated almanac into English.

- Fixed bugs in plant stats.

- A new skin for the Grave Eater.

- A new Valentine's Day event.

- Other minor changes.

RU: Новое сезонное растение - Любовная Орхидея (Лекарь)

ENG: New seasonal plant - Love Orchid (Healer)

Event: A gift from Marigold!

• Accessibility: from the very beginning of the game.

• Event time: from version 1.2.1 to version 1.3.

- Try your luck and get a chance to win x200 Diamonds!

- Chances:

- x20 Diamonds - 99%

- x200 Diamonds - 1%

🤝 Announcement of a new plant for the PvZ collage: AtW & PvZ8-bit - Gatling poppy!

• This plant was added by a premyak from PvZ8-bit itself! You can get it for free for completing the collage event.

ENG: Some screenshots from the remaster of the game! RU: Несколько скриншотов из ремастера игры!

RU: Обновление 1.2 вышло! Всем приятной игры! ENG: Update 1.2 is out! Have a nice game, everyone!