Sheeper's Showdown (CANCELLED EDITION)

1 year ago

Sheeper's Showdown is officially cancelled.



There's no mistake, this game was blown way out of proportion for my first finished game. With way too much planned motivation ran dry and the project came to a halt around two months in development. Some minor things were done in the following months, but nothing major.

Within the download contains everything I had for SS prior to officially cancelling the game. It is a folder full of every version of SS, from it's early infancy to it's early infancy. As for anything not included in the folder, it'll be written and included here alongside the majority of the cut content.

Before I begin talking about the scrapped content and everything planned itself, I first want to address that Sheeper's Showdown is not entirely cancelled. This specific version of it is, though. It's far too ambitious for a babies first steps, and majorly steps out of what I originally wanted to do with SS. This was meant to test out Animatronic AI, but turned into a more convoluted story than the FNAF lore. SS will still continue, however everything will be done over to be generally higher quality and much smaller in terms of sheer scale.


You have two doors and a monitor in front of you, the doors have three controls. You can close them, recharge them, and activate a flash beacon in the area outside the doors. They also have a temperature indicator. You can close the doors, but they'll lose stability. Recharging them regains stability, but this raises the temperature and you can't close the doors. The flash beacon will send away most characters that arrive at the door, allowing you more time to recharge the doors.

The monitor views the building and controls the intercom system. You can take sounds from one room, and play them in a different room via the intercom system. You can also shine a camera light into the rooms, stunning foes.

You also have a noise meter, the louder you are, the more aggressive and fast animatronics are.



Default - Characters get a aggression multiplier based on noise, and pull a random number. If it's equal to or lower than their AI level, they move. Very barebones. The higher the aggression, the faster they move. Can be set from AI 0-20, and have the option to make them harder to deal with via an Overclock ability that can be toggled separately from the AI.


Freddy Fazbear - Starts on the main stage and makes his way to your office. When you hear him approach either door, shut it until he leaves, indicated by a sound cue.

Overclock Ability - If your doors have low stability, he may be able to break through them and attack.


Foxy - He resides in Pirates Cove, and is stunned by simply watching him. He is immune to the flashlight and flash beacon. You'll be able to see him lean a direction on his camera, and once he's gone will run down the hall correspondent to the direction he was leaning. Quickly shut the door on him to keep him out, and don't open it until you hear him run back. He'll drain a lot of stability when doing this, and is twice as agitated by noise.

Overclock Ability - His run is silent, make sure you watch where he was leaning on the cameras to know where he's attacking.


Toy Freddy - He starts in the game room and makes his way to your office. You have no mask to hide your face, though. Because of this, when you hear him walk up to your door, face the opposite direction to cause his facial scan to fail. Looking forwards will not protect you or stall him.

Overclock Ability - His footsteps are non-directional now, you must look at the hallway cameras to tell where he's approaching from.


Toy Bonnie - He'll move from room to room trying to get to your office. Use the flashlight to stun him for a period of time to hold him back, as unlike Toy Freddy when he arrives he will face you, preventing you from looking away. He will never go backwards, so keep the flashlight on him as much as possible.

Overclock Ability - Unfinished


Withered Freddy - He'll start in parts and service and attempt to get to your office from there. Search for him on the cameras and use the flashlight when you see him to push him back a camera. If you do let him reach your office, it is game over.

Overclock Ability - Unfinished


Withered Foxy - He'll start in parts and service and make his way to your office. While he isn't sent back by the flashlight, once he reaches the door using the flash beacon will send him all the way back. However, be careful. You can use the flashlight to slow him down, else you may run out of flash beacons.

Overclock Ability - If you run out of flashes, he will instantly run across the building and down either hallway and kill you.


Phantom Freddy - He can appear outside your office in the doorways, or on the cameras. Avoid looking at him too long or he'll trigger the alarms and a building lockdown, which will raise the noise meter and force both of your doors shut. On top of this, time will stop. The lockdown will last for a bit of time, but end automatically after a few seconds.

Overclock Ability - Instead of the lockdown ending on its own, the player will have to manually find Phantom Freddy in the cameras when he spawns after a couple seconds to end the lockdown.


Phantom Chica - She'll manifest on your monitor the more you look around the office. She slowly disappears while idle, however turning will make her appear more. She can be seen on the monitor screen in the office and on top of the cameras. If she manages to manifest fully, she'll jump scare you, triggering the alarms and the monitors failsafe. This raises the noise meter and locks you out of the monitor for a short period of time.

Overclock Ability - She can only be seen manifesting in the cameras, and the alarms will stay active longer.


Nightmare Freddy - You will go insane passively as the night goes by, however animatronics like the phantoms will make you go insane faster. The more insane you become, the more likely Nightmare Freddy is to spawn. Once you think you're insane enough, look for Nightmare Freddy in the cameras and play the intercom in his room. This'll anger him and cause him to come rushing down either hall. Shut the appropriate door to send him away, but be careful not to open it before he stops banging on the door.

Overclock Ability - Nightmare Freddy can now break down the door if it isn't stable enough.


The Freddles - They'll try to attack your cameras at first, if you see a camera's durability going down quickly go to that camera and use the flashlight to scare them away. You are able to send them away early, however you'll have to spot them before they begin damaging the camera. After you scare them away enough times, they'll begin going for your doors. Use the flash beacon when you see their eyes in the doorways to send them back into the darkness. They'll go back to breaking the cameras after.

Overclock Ability - You must now flicker the flashlight to send them away, and use the flash beacon twice at the doors.


Nightmare Chica - She'll approach either of your doors, if you hear her at the door (walking up to it, breathing) don't close the door! If you do, she'll just break it down and attack. She can't attack a door someone is attacking, and will block new characters from going to the same door until she leaves.

Overclock Ability - You can no longer recharge the door while she's there either.


Nightmare Foxy - He'll roam the building and eventually enter either hallway. If you use the flashlight on him when he enters the hall, he'll run off. However, you must react quick. If you instead don't catch him in time he'll be able to reach your doors. If you see his eyes staring at you from the darkness (or hear his breathing), activate the flash beacon and close the door before the flash beacon goes off to send him away. If you don't close the door, instead of running away he'll run into your office.

Overclock Ability - You can no longer see his eyes in the darkness when he's at the door, listen for breathing to know when he's attacking.


Nightmare Fredbear - You'll see his eyes in the darkness of either door way, if you do quickly click on them to send him away. You'll have to click on both eyes for this to work.

Overclock Ability - You must now click twice per eye to send him away.


Jack-o-Bonnie - He'll go to either door and begin raising the temperature of said door. Unfinished

Overclock Ability - Unfinished


Funtime Freddy and Bon Bon - Funtime Freddy will roam the building, and attempt to reach your office. The doors won't hold him and the flash beacon won't send him back. At the same time, he is looking for Bon Bon. Set the intercom input to Bon Bon's location and set the output to a room nearby Funtime Freddy to lure him, but be wary. Bon Bon can move around the building, and will also try to reach your office. Shut the door on Bon Bon when you hear giggling to send Bon Bon away.

Overclock Ability - Bon Bon will no longer giggle, pay attention to where they are on the map.


Funtime Foxy - Roams the building, like many other animatronics she'll try to get into your office. If he reaches either hallway the next time you turn to face that hallway he'll run down it. The flashlight can be used to postpone this. Use the flash beacon to get rid of Funtime Foxy when she charges down the hallway. Time will stop while Funtime Foxy is in the hallway, so deal with him when you can.

Overclock Ability - The camera Funtime Foxy is in will be dark, with spotlights shining around the room, primarily focused on Funtime Foxy. Music can also be heard, in the room and in nearby rooms, but not in the office.


Helpy - He'll start directly on your monitor, but hop off when you're not looking. Once he's down, he'll appear in the corners of the screens and try to cause mayhem. Clicking on him will send him away, however if you don't he can lower door stability, increase door temperature, increase the noise, etc.

Overclock Ability - There are now five of him.


Rockstar Freddy (Icon Missing) - Unfinished

Overclock Ability - Unfinished


Lefty (Icon Missing) - Unfinished, likely to do with noise.

Overclock Ability - Unfinished


Glitchtrap (ft. Dawko) - He and Dawko will be working on their new song, Darkest Desire 3. However, this creates a lot of noise, disturbing other animatronics. You can use the intercom to leak the song by playing it in the party room, which will cause them to stop working on the song for some time. During this time, Dawko will begin recording a youtube video to address the leaks, blocking the timer with his webcam and commentating on the gameplay (Yes, he would actually commentate on what was actively happening in the game.), however this will not raise the noise meter. Eventually he would stop recording, and the song would begin playing again. Rinse repeat.

Overclock Ability - Dawko is always recording now.


System Error Toy Bonnie - Occasionally, a virus will begin downloading on the monitor. When you see the virus downloading, quickly cancel the download. If the virus finishes downloading, you'll lose access to the monitor for the rest of the night.

Overclock Ability - The virus will install faster depending on the AI level.


Glamrock Bonnie Cutout - It'll appear on the cameras, when it does you must use the intercom to lure characters into the same room in order to destroy the cutout. Take too long and your intercom will begin hay-wiring, making a lot more noise and preventing you from turning it off. However, it'll still be usable.

Overclock Ability - Only certain animatronics can break the cutout, those being; Withered Foxy, Nightmare Chica, Nightmare Foxy, Nightmare Fredbear, and Jack-O-Bonnie.


The Mimic - It'll eventually take over the intercom system and begin mimicking an animatronics voice. It'll be very glitchy, so listen carefully to see who Mimic is mimicking. Once Mimic is done on the intercom, it'll begin roaming and copy the mechanic of the character it mimicked.

Overclock Ability - Unfinished


MXES - He'll soon spawn on the cameras, indicated by a short jump scare playing over the screen. When this happens, two anomalies will spawn on the cameras. Find them and click on them to quarantine them. Once all anomalies are quarantined, MXES will despawn. However, take too long and MXES will reach you, teleporting animatronics directly into their attack position until the anomalies are quarantined.

Overclock Ability - There are now four anomalies that need to be quarantined.


Golden Freddy - Unfinished

Overclock Ability - Unfinished



Bossfight Fredbear - He is exclusive to the "The Last Laugh" challenge, and is not unlocked upon completion. "The Last Laugh" is automatically started after beating "The Closing Act" on Act 4 (nerfed 25/20). He will go to either door, and is extremely quiet, making it hard to hear his footsteps. Shut the door, and he'll bang on the door. Wait until the banging has stopped to open the door. He can also hide in the cameras, only revealing his white glowing eyes as he travels through the building. Eventually he will teleport to a random camera, indicated by his laugh. Find him on the cameras and stare. This is the only way to progress the fight. While spawned, the office will enter lockdown and the alarms will begin blaring until he is found. This drains from a limited supply of power, and once you run out, Freddy will go to your office and attack. Each time you find Fredbear, a cutscene introducing new characters will play.


Old Bonnie & Old Chica - They'll spawn in on the stage, but due to their poor condition they'll need to be kept in check. You can press a button on your camera system to swap out who is in the repair room, in order to make sure they don't break down. If they break down, Freddy won't be too happy about his friends falling to pieces, and will cut the building power. The duos stability drains faster depending on their corresponding doors stability. You can't see their stability meters directly, but can get a hint via them looking at the camera more and more as their stability drains.

Bonus Mechanic - You now have a button on the stage camera, which can swap out the character in the repair room. Whoever is in the repair room will have their stability increased.

Introduction - The camera will automatically be switched to the stage, in which the stage is empty. The camera cuts out and comes back to the trio, Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica on the main stage, looking at the player. The camera cuts out again as Freddy laughs, and returns to Bonnie and Chica in their default poses. Gameplay is resumed.


The Mangle - She'll climb in the ventilation shaft above you, which is off camera. You can hear her get closer as her radio and footsteps get louder. Once you believe he is about to attack, turn off the top fan until Mangle goes away. If you don't, Mangle will break the fan and increase the noise meter until the night ends (or you die).

Bonus Mechanic - You can now toggle the vent fan above you by pressing space, but do be warned. While the vent fan is off (or broken), the door temperatures will not go down.

Introduction - Once you find Fredbear again, the camera switches to the vent above you, but no camera button appears on the map. The vent is empty, but switches to static as Mangles footsteps and radio fade in from the distance. The camera returns to see Mangle in the vent, before switching to an empty Pirate's Cove. The camera once again goes to static as Foxy appears in the camera view. Gameplay is now resumed.


Withered Bonnie & Withered Chica - They'll start in parts & service and roam to your doors. Pay attention to where they are on the map, and once they're in position, turn to their respective side (Bonnie from the left, Chica from the right) and quickly put on the Freddy mask to fool them. Taking too long to deal with them or not putting on the Freddy mask fast enough will result in a jump scare.

Bonus Mechanic - You can now put on a Freddy Fazbear head when facing either door. Granted, this trick still won't fool Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, or Withered Freddy.

Introduction - The camera switches to the empty parts & service, and turns static for a moment to reveal all four withereds now in the room. The camera goes static again as the room is empty, and the four withereds are now roaming the building.

Due to the rest of the Fredbear Bossfight not being planned out, I'll list the rest of the crew in the order they appear on the custom night menu.


Springtrap - He'll roam the building, and ignore the intercom. Upon seeing him on the cameras, activate the sprinklers in the room to stun him temporarily. Keep doing this to make sure he never progresses towards you. He is immune to the flashlight and flash beacon.

Bonus Mechanic - In the corner of each the cameras, you now have a lever you can pull which will activate that cameras water sprinklers for some time. You can only have one rooms sprinklers active at once, but you can pull back the lever to disable the sprinklers yourself.


Rockstar Bonnie (Icon Unfinished) - Unfinished

Bonus Mechanic - Unfinished


Pan Stan - He'll be in the left hallway, and occasionally fall over making a loud clang. This'll greatly anger the other animatronics, making them faster. He'll fall over again and again until you go to the hallway and prop him back up. Propping him back up happens automatically.

Bonus Mechanic - You can now enter the left hallway when facing it, however if someone is currently at the door when you enter the hallway, you will die. You can't see anything in the hallway when entering it.



Next up

Good news, I am able to work on concepts again!

Though, it'll likely still take some time since I'm still half-grounded and have to be done by a certain time, and I'd rather spend that time enjoying myself, instead of working on other things.

HHHH i have to finisht the mangle render now FUCK

i love pillar chase

Mangle is done!!

If The Mangle was in Pillar Chase 2 concept

Withered Bonnie if he was in Pillar Chase concept

if the poll ends in a tie i'm using a random number generator between all of the four options the tied choices

okay so it looks like foxy won the poll let me make a foxy render real quick!!

kay so i kinda forgot to make the foxy render

Foxy's abilities and stuff are already written and ready, I just need to do his ability icons and render and he'll be finished

regardless, gonna start work on Nightmare Fredbear!!

Already got his passive 😉

almost done muwahaha

i've just gotta do the stupid RENDER GRRRRR DUMB MNALGE I HATE YOU GRAH

and then type the ability info 😇