It has been, what, 5 months now since the last news updat. Uggh, I feel really bad about it, I am writing this news update to shine some light on the matter.
First of all I want to apologize for the lack of (ehrmm.. none) news updates these last months.
I have been really busy with other stuff (mainly school) and I didn’t have that much time to work on the game, I did work on it I made a whole fancy main menu and started development on the “campaign”. But when I updated to Unity 5 (new version of the game engine I’m using) my files got corrupted, fortunately I had a backup in the cloud. So I installed unity 4 again, but it couldn’t open my back up for some reason. Anyway the point is that I lost progress and that I can decompile the build that you can currently play and start working on it again, which I’m going to do at some point.
At some point?
yes, at some point. The unity thing really frustrated me and I have been backing off from the game for a while now, and I want to take a break, I want to work on some other games/projects.
The project isn’t cancelled, I am going to continue working on it in the future.
TL;DR The project isn’t cancelled, but i’m taking a break for a while
I hope this shined some light on the matter, and, again, I’m sorry for no news updates these last months.