While both projects may have similar goals in mind, I want to make the distinction between the two a bit more clear. New Super A:DI was primarily meant to improve and expand upon the gameplay and mechanics of the original, making larger gameplay-affecting changes to enemy behavior. Its current incarnation, Classic Deluxe, is taking things a step forward by overhauling many behaviors. 1.2.0, on the other hand, just seeks to polish things without radically changing the main gameplay formula (for the most part): fixing bugs, restricting any major changes to the main nights to what was originally planned in 2016 with a few exceptions here and there, and leaving the original balance mostly intact.
That doesn't mean that 1.2.0 will be entirely devoid of notable changes and new content, but it won't be the same kinds of changes as the prior versions. I'd also like to keep some of the bigger changes a surprise, at least for now; you'll learn about some of them a bit closer to release.
Anyway, thanks for sticking around. Next week should hopefully be the release week, though I still might need a little more time. Please bear with me until I've made sure the game's at least a polished mess. Thanks for reading, A:DI will be back soon!