last time i tryed it failed so hard and if it does again I'm going go back in the grave.

last time i tryed it failed so hard and if it does again I'm going go back in the grave.
why is bro here?
Any tips on final night? pls ive seen vidoes it looks hard
funtoon Matty redesign?
I still can draw,although I lost my pencil case>:D
Thank you @ToadetteGaming92 :)
A Simple Game, A Simple Menu
trust me this will take at least a month to make, I don't plan on adding much
@ToadetteGaming92 Do you think I can beat it?
He's alive?
Im doing a thing its not a smart thing, but a thing nonetheless added some more I'm not gonna reveal the rest
so only 88 people beat night 1? are they stuck on tasks?