(1st) @bloopiehp hp
(2nd) @LilyTheFox08
(3rd) @silidag
(4th) @tcatra
(5th) @mazou
(6th) @AmiGaming
(7th) @hyperturbofox17
(8th) @hector2304
(9th) @ShineyJevex
(10th) Matthews YouTube channel shout out.
Here rapping video here.
Well guys that's all for today please don't forget to follow me more updates don't forget to follow me and @officalhatedflamez
And most importantly Please follow #Sleekdesigns and alway's remember there would be a face reveal but first it will be a voice Reveal then a face reveal so please let your friends know about Sleekdesigns. thank you guys you have a great day. ๐