FNaW Christmas Horror: Bloodied Rains (Demo 2 Being Worked On!)

4 months ago

Showcase of some the new of Custom Night icons!

Done by @StylishStyler



Next up

Showcase of 8am Screen

Extended Demo!

(Read article for info!)


my funni art for five nights at freddy's 8th anniversary!!!

Factory Mode Reveal

(Not Found In Demo)

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TAF 0!!! (art by @_Mallie_ )

Even though I never won the border competition, here's my border!

Check out Ultra Custom Night!

Final stretch guys, demo is near complete, and so what's left?

Chiknmas time is near, y'all! To keep spirits high, I've got some wonderful news!

As always, read the article below, you'll wanna hear this one! It's a short one, but still good! ↓↓↓

#fnaf #fangame #chiknnuggit

Lmao bro got tired of the hate and apparently has a "passion"