Five Nights at Sonic's: Side Story
3 years ago


heya, I know, I've been dead for a hot minute.

So, I have been getting back into the FNAS community, and now want to develop Side Story's second act.

this is a bit of a callout, but if anyone can replicate the style used in the first act without standing out too much, then I would love to get some art help. If I can get the art help, then I'll make the second act to Side Story.

if your interested, try drawing one of the first act's characters in the "Side Story style" and DM it to me on Discord (KirbyFaz98#4689)

thanks ;)



Next up

Sorry for the long wait, but the Android ports of TNAR Nightmares and TNAR remastered are now available to download here and in the Android Download Center on my website.…

Sorry for the long wait, but the Android ports of TNAR remastered and TNAR Nightmares are now available to download here and in the Android Download Center on my website.…

Posted one of the updated songs that will appear in the recoded Chapter 1 on SoundCloud. Take this and the sick art I made for it


First look at the revamped Custom Night

Features are subject to change.

Here's something nice Back when I was gonna make multiple acts, this is what the act select would have looked like.

An old friend returns, with a new coat of paint!

Thanks to @BlueFox517 for design help.