Max4459: @Stardust_2114 is slowly getting sick of tired of someone trying to be pretend to be Max4459 and even doesn't know what Max4459 did, so I decided to add this option on the poll in that post but I need a lot of evidences for the doc if someone knows about it, if so, comment about it and let me know.
Naxinet and MMLL community: This is going to be a big one since it's going a history document thing explaining the contexts of the real victims / shock videos / incidents, Naxi's actions and even the fan mods (Sadly that too) and even the end and why we should steal his MMLL stuff, change the context better and claim it as a original song instead of FNF stuff but sadly, I meant, sadly there's a new topic (that might be sort of PSA but with dead victims) to talk about in the MMLL community that shocked me the most and one of the reasons I want to do this document. Before you say it, yes, Naxinet did in fact made Rorochan cheese pizza for the mod, not only that, I might put it in spoilers that I don't want to say it out loud in unspoilers text to tell one of the examples of it that actually SHOCKED me:
Someone and I mean, SOMEONE and I'm not joking, has the biggest balls to make an art work of
Shuaiby Aslam and Rorochan having sex together in a FNF porn artwork, which is pretty much necropedophiliac (nerco and pedo together) and possibly proshipping.
I'm sorry that you have to hear it but this is one of the good reasons why we taking MMLL stuff, changing contexts better and claim it as original music instead of FNF shit and give it to Somniphobia, one of the documents might be out soon when the poll is finished.
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