Five Nights at Wario’s The Return 2 Timestop

3 years ago

Since it's been awhile since I said something here, here's the new title screen for the game. The game is going through changes again and it's going to be a fnaw 3 fan game again like it used to be but it will be 10 times better then the old return 2.




Next up

Here's a bonus teaser of return 2 from the fireside incase anyone missed it.

Hey everyone! Just letting you guys know that the game is almost done and it's 90% done. It should come out sometime in Febuary, I won't have a offical release date yet until beta testing is done, so I hope you guys look forward to the game!!


Some cool screenshots that I added to the gamepage, also the game is going well so far, more updates are to come!


Here's the warning screen for the game I will keep doing teasers for this game since I thought having 1 last teaser before was good but it wasn't so I will be doing more teasers. Anyways here's another teaser for the game :)


The game is out now, go play and have fun!!

Also report for bugs if you get one please c:

Also credits to @jeb_yoshi for this awesome art for the game!