it's one of THE most disappointing events i've ever experienced in crk
it is the biggest piece of dogshit in fact i say it might be even worse than filler updates like when rebel cookie or prophet cookie were released
it changes gameplay up yeah...but it's stupid BALANCE gameplay which is not fun !
the story's stupid which yeah it's for april fools day...but the last 2 april fools events had STORIES
the rewards are utter ass as well
and since it's for april fools day, you would expect it to be somewhat funny right? nope not at all it's the opposite of funny or surprising (romance kingdom last year wasn't funny but it was surprising which is why it's way way better than this)
overall extremely disappointing when we could've had another shroomie event or even romance kingdom part 2 (which was teased btw if you completed it saying "Who knows? You might meet them again" or something like that)