So I started working on the cutscene a while back and it was looking pretty sweet. I also did some new icons and put in the lates lines from the voice actors, along with advanced the plot a teensy bit, but my computer’s been giving me some trouble again.
Somehow the art program I use, Gimp, has corrupted the .xcf file that I saved the frames from the cutscene to, so that’s a bit of a setback.
Fortunately I saved the sketches on a website and can go over them again, but a new fancy cutscene is no longer my top priority. I’ll still work on it over time, but I’m kind of disappointed at my own lack of progress and I think I’ll focus a bit more on progressing the game instead of fancying it up a bit.
Sorry it’s going kind of slow, I’ll try to get the gears shifting again.
In the meantime, it seems some people would like some video footage of gameplay.
I might record some of it when I get a little further.
See ya.