Just wanted to let anyone interested know that I am close to enabling trophies within Asix MasterMind. I am honestly just using this game for exactly what it was meant for…To practice and test things out.
Practicing on implementing the GameJolt API was very fun and I hope that those who have GameJolt accounts get all the trophies I decide to slam into here. If you don’t have a GameJolt account then you can’t get the trophes…so make an account cause this was an all day process and I’d like everyone to enjoy it. For that very reason I might look into making built-in achievements for my games…but thats for a later time.
Now the game was a quick project but it’s my 1st completed Unity project so I’d like to make it look more like an actual game. With that in mind I will be adding a title screen/menu and see if I can’t do something about those boring cubes and that stale UI. Also I was asked to add a button to play back the audio for the instructions and I have done so. If you have any suggestions just let me know. With my work schedule and such I would hope to have this all done by the end of next week so cross your fingers!
…PS Thanks for playing!!!