He's clever, patient, and calculated.
He knows all the demonic spells, rituals, and other stuff like that from memory, and whenever he does a spell, there are small red pentagrams on his hands that glow and spin slowly. But sometimes he forgets so he has a specific book with all info about demons, rituals, spells, etc. All in different chapters. (One chapter is all about demons, as in general info about them and stuff, another chapter is the rituals, etc.)
Summoning Malephar consists of a candle with a dark red flame, and his incantation is "Demonium ex abysso, ex inferni tenebris evocavi te. Malepharis, rex obscurorum, domine caedis et ruinae, audi vocem meam et adimple myrthas meas. In nomine omnium daemonum, que in tenebris regnant, ego te invoco!" ("From the depths of the abyss, I summon you forth from the shadows of hell. Malephar, king of the darkness, lord of death and destruction, hear my call and fulfill my desires. In the name of all the demons that reign in the darkness, I invoke thee!").
He's only fluent in English and Latin.
He's 6'4".
He does not have a cape anymore, his arms are just blue fur like the rest of his body, and instead of the pentagram, it's a Chalice (which looks charred) on his stomach.
1 month ago
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Vs exe idle sprite remake because its a bit dated https://www.mediafire.com/file/n0acqr305fv64w7/EXEIDLEANIMPARTS.… Heres the parts incase you want to animate the idle!!!
Cold so cold
Funny. :O
Green mountain
Rewrite would totally do this.