Hello, horror people. I never told you this, but I am making a game called Sleepover at Li'l Timmy's. It's a remake of my itch.io version, which was basically a horrible text adventure game with no lore and no good story. But I'm coming back with a different idea.
So yes, same story, you are invited to stay over with Li'l Timmy, but dark stuff and lore are to be discovered, though I wanted to design it with cartoons, puzzles, analog video, and horror elements. (Such as games like Andy's Apple Farm & Amanda the Adventurer).
Like almost all modern horror games, we have 7 chapters.
Chapter 1 is called "The Invitation," and it is the complete beginning of the story. I have established a friendly environment for you guys, including adding the first puzzle, where you try to select the right house. If you select the wrong house, that's okay. You can try again.
Here's what the puzzle looks like:

Oh, and you start at the house, where you can explore your room, and read a letter, and whenever you're ready, you can click on the right arrow.
Here's what that looks like:

Currently what I'm working on is a matching game mechanic for the first game that Li'l Timmy has, and once you finish 3 rounds, the next game is initiated. There are 3 games total.
After the games, you'll be eating "cookies" made by Li'l Timmy's Mom.
After that, is bed time. Suddenly you will hear a noise, and find 3 keys, then leading to the basement... the Second Chapter.