The Return To Freddy's 5 (Unofficial)

2 years ago

Small Update + Change to Teaser Releases (Teaser Included)

Hey guys! I wanted to give a small update on everything going on with TRTF5 as of late!

So first of all, I wanted to go ahead and say this, Teasers are now gonna be released just once a week due to me having issues keeping up with the twice a week release schedule. I know I know, cutting down on Teasers again, but this will help keep me more focused on more important priorities.

Second, I've recently made some decent progress! I worked on getting the base systems more solid, and so far, its gone along decently well! So, how about I give a little progress report, and tell you guys what is required for the first playable version of the game...

Rabbit Engine Requirements - 8%

Error Handler Function - 20%
Debug Console - 0%
Level Selection Menu - 0%
Error Log Printer - 20%
Debugging Menu - 0%

TRTF5 Requirements - 45%

Level System Structure - 90%
Loading between levels/Load Zones - 100%
Doors - 80%
Outside Level - 75%
Floor 1 Area 1 Level - 90%
Environment Lighting - ? (Hard to gauge, gonna be using a placeholder system for now though due to issues)
Flashlight - 10%
File Purge - 0%
Build Creation - 0%
Build Settings System - 0%
Game Launcher - 15%

I know its not all too impressive, but in my eyes, this is decent progress, and hopefully there will be more progress made in the future! I'm giving a rough estimate, but I am thinking early to mid April will have the first playable build. (Note: The build isn't gonna be public, due to it being just a test build, but its still very important)

Now, when it comes to the TRTF5 Version 3 Build, I haven't been able to focus on that too much, but I hope to get to work on it sometime in the near future, perhaps in around April? We'll see. Since right now my games are a side focus for me due to school taking up all my time, I can't give proper estimates, but hopefully thats a decent estimate.

I'm gonna keep all of this brief due to me not feeling well at the time of me writing this, but yeah, hopefully this gives you a good look at the game in its current state!

By the way, on the side, I've also worked on the TRTF Server a bit, adding welcome/leaving messages, the ability to give yourself roles instead of having to ask me to give them to you, and more! Come say hi! The link is right here:

Another small thing, I am working on my website more, specifically TRTF5's! I'd suggest you go take a look!

That's all for now, hope you have a good day everyone!




Next up

The Return To Freddy's 5 - One Day

Hopefully having two teasers in one day and now having the Public Discord makes up for missing the Teaser on Wednesday! Sorry again!

TRTF5 GPD Mode Teaser - Pretty simple today due to me being sick, but hopefully yall like it

TRTF5 - "Puppet Master" Teaser

Brighten the image for details. I'll see you all tomorrow.

Created this character as a gift to a close friend of mine.This was the result. Fun Fact : This is my first ever character model!

More concept art for the super secret project of mine.

Today's Teaser + Special thanks for 100 followers!

POPGOES 2 Revival Tech Demo - Official Poster Art

All just in time for POPGOES's 8th Anniversary. Plus a page overhaul as well! Go ahead, take a look!