SHOWMAN'S: The Awakening

5 months ago

Small update on SHOWMAN'S: The Awakening!

Hey all.

I know it's been a pretty long time since I've posted anything about this game, and I won't lie, development has been incredibly slow to a point where I'm just saying I've been on break for a while (I need it anyways lol).

However, after taking a look back and around, I've found my to-do list to actually be, well, small in some spots. There's still quite a lot to be done, but honestly there's still a small chance I could get the game finished this year if I manage to get back into the swing of things. I'm feeling a bit better about some stuff so hopefully that happens soon!

I apologize for the lack of updates or exciting teasers, but those come when I have them lol. I should have some pretty awesome things to share in the coming months or so.

Stay tuned!

Also, the concept of changing Phobia to Showman's will be a year old around November 1st! I didn't announce it until like a month later or something lol. I'll likely share the initial sketches of the band (maybe some pictures of early versions of their models too) and talk a little bit about the process of making the change. Should be a fun post to make!



Next up



One year ago today, I officially announced the replacement for the Phobia series, SHOWMAN'S!

I got inspired by phobia long hours and drew the wiggles robots as glamrock robots, I hope you guys like these designs

Good things come to those who wait.

Bad things, on the other hand...

Me when the when the me when the the

Happy Valentines Day!

(to those who can celebrate it ig lol)

Trying out the latest Minecraft snapshot today and I have to admit, this is probably going to be my favorite little drop for the game yet. Really loving the small things being added in that make the game feel livelier!

The new cow variants are awesome!

“Knock, Knock.”

Had to share this while working because Cap'n Cackle just looks genuinely so happy right here lol.

Really awesome how friendly or terrifying these guys can look with different lighting and texturing.