First off, the offline/downloadable build(s) of the game now require the Scratch 2 Offline Editor. This is just so people have less of a hassle with a standalone Flash, and the new file (.sb2) is also the source code, so people can also edit it as well.
Second, I’m working on a somewhat big update in case you don’t follow my Twitter < hint hint < that will change up a few things and hopefully fix some things in the process. For starters, the starting house’s room will be “smaller” and will only have a couch. The idea is to save up enough money to buy a new house, via your phone, and work from home on a computer (without needing a car/taxi, and you do get to sell the car as well).
I’m hoping to get this update out before Halloween (Monday) but it may happen slightly later in the week because of all the changes I’m adding and real life issues.
However, I’ll try my best! Most of the work will be tomorrow night (Sunday) so I can push it out as early as possible.
House (Upgraded): ¹

New (Starter) Room:

¹ Work-from-home concept; reason for there being no garage or road.