Smile [Deltarune fangame]
3 years ago

Smile Demo re-release! The Kristal version is here!

3 months ago, I spend 2 weeks working on the Smile mod, a fangame putting the spotlight on whatever the heck Smile is

But Create Your Kris is pretty instable... And will become very hard to use with what I had in mind for the future of Smile
But then I discovered Kristal. I support everything I needed so here I go!

And now, Smile is officialy ported to Kristal and will only be updated on that version. So yeah, the CYK version is discontinued.

A little changelog because some stuff changed:

-The current version is now actually called a demo. So yeah, be prepared for the full version, coming when Deltarune Chapter 6 will come out.
-The new version is the version 0.5.0 for some reason
-The tea doesn't have its overworld interaction inside the battle anymore
-The wave where a square appeared on the arena and you had to get in one of the hole of the badly-drawn shape was removed due to the absence of a pixel-perfect collision system in Kristal.
-Hopefully no more lags
-I was too lazy to include in the Kristal version the sound effects used in waves in CYK
-Probably other stuff

And now, since I said it was a demo, here some stuff teasing what I have in mind for the full release of Smile:

-Full original OST (Yes, an original original soundtrack)
-A full adventure taking place in Chapter 2
-Horror/Creepy stuff
-Going insane simulator

And with that now done, I will go to my 2 weeks holidays so if you find a bug, uh... Find it quick or find it very slowly

Bye, and thanks to those who already downloaded the Smile mod on CYK!



Next up

Hello, I'm not dead as this video demonstrate

Frozen Heart has been remade on Kristal and has passed the point where I left it on CYK but a lot of stuff from the main fight were remade to be better. Mostly Susie's dialogues. The previous ones sucked

I'm finally back home with my more powerful computer. And I can assure you that the devlopment of Frozen Heart is going just fine right now as seen on this video

I am not dead!

And as a matter of fact, after too much time if you ask me, Deltarune Frozen Heart will finally release this weekend!

Boring details below

Quick Progress Report

We've created the website!

Testing premieres. The new teaser of Frozen Heart is upcoming (and moved forward a day)!

Frozen Heart has finally released!

You can download the game right now! Thank you for waiting and supporting my first kinda big fangame!

Feel free to report bugs if you find any

Only toby said that are testing some bugs thats all!

I may or may not be trying to port Smile to Kristal to learn it. It could be useful for later. But this engine sure is on a different level, help-