The strangers are a threat right? And we know the park will kill if necessary. So why don’t they wipe them out? WHATS THE ISSUE HERE!
Smth DOESNT make sense to me about white stag education. We know the strangers can die. But the park doesn’t wipe them out. Doesn’t make sense to me. And we know their willing to kill strangers so them working together doesn’t make sense either
Next up
Aurora once she turns 18:
I have to make a game about this lolz
What do i Name these two?
The Walten Files
Blinky red sheet (i added a tail)
The zards (oc lineup series 1)
- Drizzard (seperate from persona drizzard)
- Crizzard
- Pinzzard
- Blizzard
- Hayzzard (requested by @TheBlueberryHaypile , didn’t know how to make them different sooo yeah)
Names and Images in order lolz
Was biking home last night, when i was going back from hanging out. This guy was blocking the road Decided it wouldn't be a good idea to cross him, so i turned around and made a detour. Has anyone encountered him aswell? I'm worried my locations safety
New Milford archives poster