Tilt 2

7 years ago

Sneak Peak at the New Smart AI!



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6 days left till update 0.2.0! - Major Update

This update is a major update that brings Rocket Money to the app, which can be printed from google drive and used as play money for your household. #other #altgame #educational

Silver is now coming to Desktop! - Aug 28

#Mac #Windows #Linux

The new Web Version is out today! Go check it out :D #newrelease #new

Coming Platform Support! The next BETA version of Tilt2 will be on #Windows #Mac and #Linux! Isn’t that awesome!? Soon you will see how how well Tilt2 can perform, and how well it looks!

Soon to be seen! Soon you might be able to see the level select scene in Sketchfab! I just need to add a few more things.

Check Out The New Explosive Gif! Today I changed the way the players die! Now there’ll be more explosions in Tilt2. Even the enemies will be able to die!

Find Any? Have you found any trophies yet? There are three trophies in the Multiplayer mode. One for each player, and one for both! Defeat the last level to win a trophy!

Update 0.2 is here with new Features to make it 10X Easier!

Here's a teaser: Now we're still working on it.. but we noticed some high end smartphones can run the WebGL ver. So we are looking into adding TOUCH SUPPORT! Maybe even making an Android/iOS app.

Update 0.2.0 - 08/28!

#Update #Other #Game

A few weeks ago, I thought about creating a currency for my home. So I did some research, and made a Free app!

You can give your kid an allowance of Rocket Money. If they ever want real money, just input the price of silver, and you'll have it's value!