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Working on this more sorry if it’s taking long
Felt like cooking for EZORT'S enternal madness
FNaS1998 ADVANCED but with memes
Forgot it was MAR10 day
"time for the leaders anarchy to begin- wtf is she doing here??"
Two black artist
Two of the same interest
Both in the FNAS community
Both grew up with the same childhood character
But different sides
( This go out to my great friend and a better artist @18tvmrblack123 )
Lmao have new looks that I approve of
My take on FNaS 1
(After the bite/murder of '92 place closed down and when sonic adventure 1 was finna release sega and Nintendo decided to make a place to promote sonic adventure and Mario party hense why the fnas 1 cast look modern)
"i cannot remain forgotten for long..."
Lil snip bit