Project(Vasya):New Tales to Nightmares

2 years ago

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конфликт гамеджолт 2029

We Got Toma,

We Got Bodgan,

Вася стал аноминусом

The Little One

(The Return to Toma's)

Remember, if this game is like Five Nights with Froggy, then the game is different from Froggy p.s We're a little unkind to Gleb Kapustin, so we're not forcing you to hate on him or anything like that.... it's our fault

И так девлог....

Мой модели аниматроник фнаф чебурашкой ремастеред игру #MyAnimatronic

Алексей теперь твоя очередь умирать и страдать)