The spy who shot me™

7 years ago

Snow Area - Early Progress

Working on the snow area, it’s more open than the other levels. Should be fun to explore! Let me know what you think.




Next up

Added Quick grenades! You can now throw quick grenades with any weapon with the ‘E’ key. I also revamped the gun system. More to come! this is in the new gameJolt version v0.85.9

25% Discount! Just letting you know guys the game is currently at a 25% discount on steam. This offer ends on Thursday 5th of July.

The latest version on gamejolt, now has a grenade launcher mod, silenced machinegun, new blood efffects and tightened controls. And there's now four save slots! Enjoy!

Latest version on Gamejolt now has checkpoints, plus more polish! New game over screens, extra songs and more!

Added spider drones! The latest Gamejolt version now features spider drones! Thought up in the depths of S.C.U.M’s mad laboratories! I’ve also fixed the HUD and added throwing knives. Spider drones! Any problems/ideas let me know, PSD

Added New gameplay! You can now explode barrels, shoot pipes to use steam and drop chandoliers on those evil S.C.U.M! All in the new uploaded demo v0.84.0 here on Gamejolt. Let me know what you think! PSD

The latest version on Gamejolt now has secret collectibles plus more! There's 50 medallions to collect in the game.

We did it guys! Final version. It's been a long journey and we'd like to take this time to thank all our supporters here on Gamejolt for your excellent feedback and support. You can find the final verison here @12% discount.

Added New level to Demo! I’ve just added the Jamaica town level to the demo, I also fixed and polished a fair bit. Let me know what you think! Thanks for all your support guys, I’m pretty much making this for you bro’s now. PSD

New GameJolt version 0.85.2! I’ve polished all the demo levels, with new textures and A.I. Enemies now have a chance to surrender, and gun enemies have a chance to Duck. More to come! [Trying out a new texturing technique]