Undertale Yellow Colorized Mod.
5 months ago

So 30 percent of Cerobas’ pacifist is done but my main issue is the tails getting them colorized is fun but the sprites do they looks good when you saw the presentation or did it look way out of the style or have I achieved the definitive look?



Next up

haha silly me i forgot to show the pacifist Version Of The Axis Fight please give this love cause man i am exhausted...

well some of you all wanted it and my partner of the mod @emipsoskjzksu provided here is fully colorized as well as shaded El Bailador!

Fully Colorized Detail Flowey from Nihilism.

(Sneak peak for the extras that will be showed in my soon to be video.)

DELTATRAVELER - v3.0.6 Update

Well we did it we have over 100 downloads so what’s next


So it’s true huh… neat.

should i continue colorizing what i can of Nihilism and when i am done showcase what i could at the end of my playthrough of the unfinished version of the game? here is a icon of flowey and frisk finished so far too :D

TS!Underswap - Soup'd Up

it's back to devlog mode for now no further elaboration that is about it this is very unfinished still due to lack of motivation and because i have stuff on my mind this is May after all so.