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Since my wifi has been adios for a couple of hours,I drew something relevant to the game!!!
I won't tell you for what this is.
Today,I made the main menu's theme. Just some more ambience and other SFX's left to do.
Hi,TJN rapscallions! Regarding the game,every room is done!(Except the showstage,but it's easy to draw). Just need to draw a ton of decorations to make the rooms look better.
Backstage is almost ready,my friends! Ü
(We ain't your friends,lil bro.)
Based off the incident a few days ago and NOT yesterday's. That one wasn't me!
Consider this as a 40 followers special,I guess. Some rooms are left to be remastered. Until then,see you all,chaps. Ü
Mikerophone reveal Ü
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