And you know why?
Because of my grandpa, of course!
Well, tonight he came to my bedroom and said that I need to sleep immediately. But not only that - he also told me that I am a parasite and parasites can't live long on earth. I need to admit that my grandpa said this to my mom (despite the fact that she is constantly busy) and he is one of those people with whom it is almost impossible to find a common language.
So, I don't know if my grandma can cope with him at least during these holidays, but I am still astonished that he called me a parasite. Imagine - HE SAID THIS TO HIS OWN GRANDDAUGHTER WHO JUST WAS SITTING IN HER BEDROOM AND WAS DOING HER OWN THINGS. I'm really tired of him.
Sorry for being so depressed and maybe whiny, but I really don't know what to do. Also sorry for bad grammar here.
Good night and have a nice day.