Chucky's -Orgins- (Official Game) (Paused)
4 years ago

so here is how far the stuff are

cutscene: Done

Title screen: Half done

Office: done

Cams: done

cam buttons: not done

map: not done

ai: not done

mechanics: not done



Next up

little preview of the office...

Eteled Fanart

Spennard cuz why not? @AlishanG_Games I hope you like dis I spent 11 minutes on this :)

@SnowysIsVeryCool why you cut spriglcker’s body off what a shame if you :(

3rd Evil Flower song

Uhhh I can explain you see-

I wanna go back to this channel so bad

coming soon and yes I made this

Ayo guys I’m back with another BANGER 🔥🔥🔥🔥