5 months ago

So, I finally tried playing Team Fortress 2 and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. The game it self it's pretty simple to understand but there's some bad things like some snipers that look up in the sky but kills me. Apart from this problem the game is very good



Next up

Holy shit this frame is fire 🔥 🔥 🔥

Hm Ryonz Did you really think you could fool me with these silly tricks?

It seems that I am the genius of this community, in fact I understood that Peach time and Clear Floors SpongeBob were not simple censorship but the secret animatronics themselves.

God will not help me

We half way there, gentlemen!

we need to sign in today or tomorror! (link on article) #SaveTF2

Goodbye pal 🫂 💔

Pan Teletransportador

Hey R-Y-O-N I just threw some ideas for Pinguin (the penguin). Here's how it works:

When halloween Is over I'm going to change my profile into piss clown