10 months ago

so i just found out someone calculated palestinian kids deaths, and it was 15,239, and i would like to have a quick talk about this terror matter.

first off, quick message to everyone, you dont need to be muslim to support palestine, just dont support the enemy.

over 15,239 children got killed, and i would honestly like to say what the hell is wrong with israel, they are completely in the wrong, and i would like to step up and at least try to be helpful in this situation, sure i might not have power to stop it, nor will some people listen to my opinion and read this post, but at least i am trying, whoever supports israel, you do realize they are killing kids, how would you feel if someone stabbed your own kid? trust me it will hurt very badly, some of us gone pure cold, saying things liks "not my problem" or "i am not muslim to support" why would you even think or say things like this? kids, wifes and husbands are killed every day, all i can say is that israel really is getting out of hand by this, and i hope they stop this in the nearest future. have a good day.



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