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Hi there, i have some animatronics images for you more content soon! Stay Tuned!
Hello! I have news! More content soon! Stay Tuned!
First Poster and Office
Hi guys! I'm back, and the game are coming on! I opted to remake it for made the best version as possible! Stay tuned!
Check the toybonnie juspscare concept!
I bring good news! All animatronics are ready, I've already started to develop the map from a ready model, see below how it's getting! special credits for:
Ambience at the game is this!
Hi guys i make this audio for the jumpscares! I accept any help! More content soon! Stay Tuned!
We are under attack!
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Today I was setting up the location of the first boss. His name is "Father" and he is the first of the Patagonians. His task is to guard the road to the House.🛡🗡 Bookmark pre-launch page🔖🔖🔖…