Chloe, bff since I was 9 and she was 10, has light blond hair and acts the part, she’s like one of those typical mean girls, clothing and everything. Her motto is not to wear the same thing twice, which fits since her parents are rich. She worked for 2 years to get the “perfect” curvy body. She’s on her phone probably trying to gain more clout from others, since she wants to be famous like me one day. She’s also the only one in our friend group who is in year 12, the rest of us are in year 11. Next to her is Julissa, her beautiful red hair running down her shoulders. She’s the first to turn and see me, giving me a wave. I give her a wave back, looking into her grey eyes. Samir turns and waves after her and I wave back to him as I walk over to them. His light green eyes look back towards Julissa, moving his black hair out of the way to see her better. They are both skinny and have been dating for 3 years now. I’ve known them before they even started dating. I make it halfway before Evelyn sees me and runs over to me. She embraces me to which I return. I’ve met her a bit before Samir and Julissa and alot later than Chloe, but she’s the one I’m closest to. She’s probably the greatest friend I have and I never want that to change. I move back and we walk beside each other. She turns to me, her blue eyes meeting my hazel ones. She’s wearing her supernatural clothing like always. She's obsessed with the supernatural or anything remotely magic, thinking it’s real, I would never bring her down for her beliefs though, so I let her believe what she wants to believe.
So, I've been writing a book
Next up
10 Reasons To Watch One Piece
Found this on my hard drive 👀
(I will now disappear into my goodbye again)
I gave my brother family sharing four days ago.....
"It's OK, I Won't Remember Me Either" and "Privately Owned Spiral Galaxy" covers (Both by Crywank)
Original Privately Owned Spiral Galaxy cover from 10 months ago -…
A really rough Call Me What You Like Cover (Original By Lovejoy)
A slightly (just slightly) less rough cover of Call Me What You Like by Lovejoy
Idiots - Night Of The Living Jives reaction (Animation by @funsubsng )
Animation -
My Spotify year wrapped up. I started using Spotify in July, so it hasn't been that long. Cover of one of the songs coming soon.
My Tier List (With Friend)
FNAF World is S-Tier for me
Doubt - Crywank (Covered by LilyValentine)
It was the 5th top song in my Spotify recap so here is the cover.