Pokémon: Blackout Version

4 years ago

so i wanted to talk a bit more about the evil team i came up with for pokemon dark version. so i decided while i remember the ideas i had for team hex i might as well sprite the grunts that you would encounter in the game.

so without further ado. here's the backstory of team hex.

this kinda connects the nether region in a way to.

so this part of the story takes us back 10 years in the past. when we were all buying pokemon platinum and playing until the next pokemon games released. now theres one charcter that i found very intresting in the story. and that would be cyrus. you know the man that ran team galactic and stayed in the distortion world with giratina who we would catch 5 seconds after? that is where the story begins.

so cyrus stuck in the distortion world somehow continued to live for a while. the water fall had water and those plant like things were sorta edible. but obivously he would run out of those. so he would still die.

but he didn't.

so heres what happened.

after eating all of those plant like leaves cyrus knew that it was over for him. he knew he would die. so he decided that he rather do it faster then a slow and painful death. so he looked into the void and jumped.

this void was strange in many ways. for one cyrus landed exactly where he started. but the plants were back. and giratina was still flying around. after some quick inspection that he was in a past version of the distortion world. where the trainer hadn't beaten girantina. after finding this out cyrus waited for the trainer to catch girantina and went back to the overworld. everyone still thinking he was being left to rot.

so cyrus walked around did some investagating. and then the world just nothing was there anymore. until one second later. he was just...there again after more investgating he found himself giving the trainer the master ball. and reminded himself to punish himself for that mistake.

after more darkness and investgating he found a few types of trainers. some were the players that just used their starters. others said if their pokemon faints its dead. and others just used the pokerader aimlessly trying to get a new coloured pokemon.

cyrus couldn't figure out what was going on.

until a year later he came up with it.


a game he was in!

he was always destined to go the path he did.

because it was coded into him.

after this realization cyrus had a idea. what if when the game reset again. what if he could manipulate the game into making a world HE wanted? and he tried. god he tried. but all he got were versions where there was always ONE kid who could beat the evil team. he ended up making pokemon black and white, pokemon black 2 and white 2 pokemon x and y BUT he wasn't responsible for pokemon sun and moon. and i don't know enough about gen 8 to know if cyrus made that version either. so after that he decided to give up. there was no way that he'd be able to beat the game at its own game. but he decided he'd try one. last. time.

it worked.

it worked.


cyrus finally had the world he wanted! the world where his new team hex had taken over a new world called the nether region! here most pokemon were treated like trash and sometimes that affected them to the point of extintion. (Just look at the unova monkeys i made)

the question is how did cyrus do this?

here is my answer.

ghost stories in the game

cyrus was "the one"

cyrus brought back those people in the old chatue back from the dead.

cyrus made a entire army of team hex admins right under our nose.

but how did he do this?

he captured arceus.

the changed the games code. making it so that he has the azure flute and made him have the master ball.

he captured arceus. and made it change the world. to the world now known as pokemon dark version (at the time of writing)

as for the grunts they never chose to join team hex. they were people who disaproved of team hexs actions and said it outloud. after that they were never heard from again because cyrus brainwashed them.

so thats the main idea behind team hex. cyrus runs the team and did so by making the game think it was something else.

who knew though that a hero will always arise no matter what code you put into it.

i hope you enjoyed reading this as i had a ton of fun writing it! :) Cya!



Next up

hope you like them! what one is better? i dont know i just made the thing here

Oh hey I started drawing again. So here's a drawing of Malotrick from the roblox game Doodleworld. I hope you like it!

That's actually kind of crazy. I wasn't keeping count at all.

@blurryspirits is a Jolter to Watch! They create Pokémon fan art and more! Follow them before the quest ends on January 14 and you'll get Coins!

On of my favourite games on roblox right now is doodleworld. They recently added awakened doodles which is basically mega evolutions in pokemon. So i decided to make one for one of my favourite doodles. Here's awakened malotrick!

@KniteBlargh is a Jolter to Watch! They post great fan art, original characters, and more! Follow them before the quest ends on January 7 and you'll get Coins!

so i decided to sprite the trainers that you play as in the game.

idk what to name them though.


I don't have time to make a new drawing as i'm very busy irl so here's a drawing that's probably my favourite drawing i ever made.

@WiseDrums is a Jolter to Watch! He posts videos and livestreams where he plays the drums along to video game music! Follow him before the quest ends on January 21 and you'll get Coins!

It's time to list my #FavoriteGame's!

Animal crossing is defintely a new favorite since i just got into it again but the rest i play pretty regularly.