3 years ago

So, I was writing a Soulzy's Bar book for a bit before losing motivation.

So here's what I did.

Words: 3828 


Over a hill, on a silent night in 2012, one woman would create a place. A place that the town would remember as the definition of pain and suffering. But our story doesn’t start here, it starts in the near future.


“More disappearances have been reported, with people entering the local bar but never coming out.” The news anchor reported, “Police entered the establishment but found no one.”


She flicks her hair out of her eye as she walks up to the bar. “Just gotta pretend to be drunk.” She starts to stumble in a way only a drunk person could do. She had some experience in the past. She stumbles into the doorway and falls onto the floor. She just lays there. She feels someone lift her up.

“Are you ok?” They ask, She looks up to see who picked her up. It was a woman. The woman uses one hand to move the cyan blue hair out of her eye, her light green pupil staring at her. 

“Y.. yeah.” She says. The woman stares at her with doubtful eyes. She looks down again.

“What’re you doing here?” She asks her. She looks back up at her again.

“I… I sa.. saw the flyer and th.. thought a job soun.. sounded nice.” She says. Her doubtful eyes become eyes of pity.

“Oh.” She gets her into a chair and thinks for a moment. “How does being a bartender sound?”

“Th… that sounds nice.” She pulls herself out of the chair. “Wh.. when do I st.. start?” She sets her back in the chair.

“How about tomorrow?” She says, starting to laugh a little. “You seem in no condition to work right now.” She moves a bit back from her. “What’s your name?”

“Deli… Delilah.” She says. Soulzy laughs.

“I’ll just call you Deli, it seems easier and nicer.” She holds her hand in front of Delilah, “Soulzy.” She takes her hand and shakes it. “Do you want a ride home?”

“N.. no. I ca.. can get home ju.. just fine.” She gets up and begins to stumble towards the exit.

“Alright then, I’ll see you tomorrow then.” Soulzy says as she stumbles out. When she gets far enough from the bar she stops stumbling and starts walking normally. She was in.


“Boss, I’m in the bar. I’ll get close to her and get the information you need.”

Part 1

The Bar


“DELILAH!” He screams out as the bleach starts to rain on him. “HELP!”

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

He shoots up in his bed. He looks around and feels his hair. He exhales. He looks around his empty room. Only a bed and side table, along with his broken cupboard. He wipes the sweat off his forehead and gets up to get dressed in his suit. Once he is he grabs the walkie talkie on his side table and talks into it.

“Come in boss.” He says.

“Hello.” They say.

“You said you had a mission for me today.”

“Yes, I need you to join Agent Delilah on her mission.”

“Wh.. what…. You haven’t paired us together since the i..”

“Yes, but Agent Delilah needs back up and you are the only available agent. We have no choice.” He hesitates for a second before responding.

“When do I go?”

“Right now.” He puts the walkie talkie back on his side table and goes back into his cupboard. Boss had specific orders to not go to the bar in uniform but in casual clothes. “Good luck.”


Delilah starts to clean a glass, looking around the main bar area. Innocent looking enough for a bar. Circular tables with four chairs each, some stools at the bar table itself. But there must be some form of witchcraft going on or some secret room if people are just disappearing. She places the glass with the others and goes to clean a new one. She hears tapping from behind her. She turns to see someone in a hoodie.

“What can I get you?” Delilah asks.

“I would like to get a see-you-outside-partner.” He says.

“Come on, don’t be weird.”

“I said I would like to see you outside.” He says as he removes his hoodie, “Delilah.” She stares at him. She places the glass back down with the dirty ones and jumps over the counter, following him out the bar.

“Won’t it look suspicious with us both leaving?” She asks.

“Nah, trust me.” They go to the alleyway beside the bar. “So you must be wondering why I’m here.” They stop and he leans against the wall.

“Yes I am.”

“Well, the boss said you needed a partner. I said yes immediately of course.” He takes out his sunglasses and puts them on. “So, what do we got here?”

“I’m not saying.”

“Aw come on.” He turns to her. “Why not?”

“You remember the last time we worked together.” She walks over and touches his hair. “What happened to you then Brian.” He removes her hand from his hair and takes a step back from her.

“Hey, I recovered. Alright?” He turns away.


“Alright...” She pauses for a second. “Can you just leave the mission, I’ll be fine on my own.” 

He turns to look back at her.

“No, now you got on my nerves so now you’re stuck with me.” He walks up to her, leaving no room between the two of them. “So, what do we have here Ms Delilah?” She takes a step back from him, looking down, putting her finger in her hair and twirling it whilst trying to explain.

“Well, we got over 100 disappearances in this one bar. We need to find out why it’s happening.” She looks at him. “Happy now?” He laughs.

“Yes, very.” Delilah turns to leave. “Hey!” He grabs her shoulder. “Where are you going?” She turns to face him.

“Back to work.” She says, removing his hand off her shoulder, turning and continuing to walk away. “Maybe you should get a job too, maybe you’ll be less suspicious.” With that she was gone, leaving him in the alleyway.


She cleans more glasses, hearing yet another tap on the bar table. She slams the glass in the clean glass section and turns, “What do you want Brian?” But who she saw wasn’t brian, but someone else. They were wearing a mask and all black clothing.

“Give me all the money in this establishment.” They say. Their voice was feminine. Delilah feels like she knew this person but doesn’t have time to think about it. She stares at the masked individual.

“No.” She says. The masked person points the gun at Delilah.

“What did you say?” They say in an angry tone.

“I said no.” Delilah says, holding the barrel of the pistol. “And you’re not gonna shoot me, come on.” The masked individual’s hands begin to shake.

“I’ll give you one more chance, give me all the money in this establishment.” Delilah looks her dead in the eyes.

“No.” Delilah laughs.

“You asked for this then.” The masked individual says as they break the gun free and point it at Delilah's face. A bang could be heard.

“So, you gonna do i-” Delilah falls to the floor as a bang is made, releasing a bullet into her skull.


Soulzy sets some papers on her desk and relaxes.

“That’s enough work for today.” She spins in her chair a few times before hearing a knock at the door. “COME IN!” Soulzy turns the chair to face the door. The door opens and a man walks in. He had white hair and was wearing sunglasses. “Why you wearing sunglasses in doors?”

“Because it’s cool.” He says. He closes the door, walking over to the desk and taking a seat. The office wasn’t too big, but was decorated well. A beautiful desk, some cabinets and a nice potted plant. “I want a job.” Soulzy looks at him.

“Uhh, I’m sorry. We have no room for another employee.” Someone opens the door and walks in.

“Seriously, you gotta have some job I can do. Maybe be a bartender longside D-” 

“Sorry, I have no room.” She looks over to the person behind him. “What is it?” Brian grabs out a gun.


“Boss, I finished feeding the de...” A gunshot could be heard. They drop to the floor.

“ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!” Soulzy yells. “SHE WAS MY BEST EMPLOYEE?!?” He looks at Soulzy, putting the gun away.

“Now you have room.” He said. “So, when do I start?” Soulzy just stares at him.

“Umm… Rig…” She starts but before she could finish, a gunshot is heard. “What the...” Soulzy gets up and runs out of the office. Brain follows her.


Brian and Soulzy enter the main bar area, seeing a masked individual grabbing the money out of the register. Brian looks over and sees Delilah on the floor, blood all over her.

“What the f-” Soulzy says. The gun is shot again. Soulzy falls to the floor. The thief turns to the exit and begins running.

“HEY!” He yells at the thief. “COME HERE!” He starts to run towards the thief and chases them out the door. When he exits the building however, the thief is nowhere to be found. He looks around the building and doesn’t find them.


Brian runs into the bar again, jumping over the counter and looking at Delilah. Her face was destroyed by the bullet. Her long, straight black hair now stained red and a complete mess.

“Shit.” He says as he picks up her body and sets her on his lap, holding back the tears forming in his eyes. “Shit, shit, shit.” He moves what was left of her head to a more levitated position. “No, this can’t be.” He feels her vein, hoping for some life to be there. Nothing, like he expected. He just didn’t want to believe it.


He stares over Delilah’s grave, littered with flowers he picked himself. The words “May you rest in peace Delilah” engraved onto her grave. The grave sits under a tree behind the bar. The boss puts a hand on his shoulder.

“She died for a good cause.” Brian just looks at her. The boss's incredibly long black hair covers her face, her suit perfect as always. “At least Soulzy is gone.”

“But we still have no clue about where they all went.” Brian turns back to the grave, “The mission isn’t complete yet.” The boss removes her hand and turns her back to Brian.

“Then find where. You have the whole bar to yourself.” With that, she enters the bar leaving Brian alone. He stares at Delilah’s grave, “I will finish the mission Delilah, for you.” With that he enters back into the bar.


He sits down at the desk, putting his head down trying to think. Where could they be? Only one person knew that and that was Soulzy themself. He needs the information from her but there is no way to get it now. He’ll just have to search the whole place really well and hope it’s somewhere around here or there’s some clue, but after hours of searching there was nothing to come from it. He must need to think out of the box here, but he couldn’t think of anything.


“He’s not gonna figure it out.” She says, “He’s not gonna move on to the next stage of the plan.” She stares at the screens, contemplating what to do. The door behind her opens with a swoosh, and in walks a man. He brushes the chair from in front of him out from his path. The room was really just a big room with screens all over the walls and one chair. He places his hand on her shoulder and she jumps.

“Hey Boss.” He says. She turns to look at him.

“Oh, hey.” She says. She turns back to the screens. “What’s up?” He clears his throat.

“I revived the man you asked me to, but then he ran out of the building scared for some reason,” His face is a face of confusion, “Then I sent someone to get him but he fought back and was killed in the process.” He looks down. “I’m sorry boss.” 

“No, no.” She waves her hands. “It’s alright, he was useless anyway.” She continues to stare at the screens. How would she lead him down the path she needed? She turns to face the man who is still standing there with his head down. She lifts his head up. “Don’t be down.” She continues to think as she looks at him. All of a sudden she had an idea. “Do you wanna really make it up to me?”


Brain enters the bar through the open doors for another day of investigating. 15 people are 

already in the bar having drinks. Since the news of the shooting the bar grew in popularity and more people were here often. He walks to the right of the bar, down a hall and enters

the office. He didn’t know where to look anymore, he had looked everywhere. He just lays his head on the table and waits till the day is over. What was he gonna tell his boss? How was he gonna tell Delilah when he dies about this? 

The door to the office opens and closes. Bran looks up to see someone he recognizes.

“Lint?” He says. The man smiles.

“Yes Brian, it’s me. THE LINTMAN.” He says, putting his fist up in the air. A huge grin on his face. His purple trench coat moves with his fist revealing the top of his jeans.

“What’re you doing here?” Brain asks. Lint walks to the desk.

“Well, I heard you need to talk to the dead.” Lint sits in the chair in front of him. “So, I’m here to help with that.” Brain looks at him shocked.

“I forgot you could do that...” His expression becomes normal again. “How long has it been since I last saw you?”

“Around 2 years.” He says after a little thinking. “Been a while since I saw you man.” He smiles. Brian smiles back.

“Well, it’s always good to see you.” Brian stands up. “Saved me more times than I can count.” Lintman gets up and they do a bro hug.

“Well, it’s my job.” Lint laughs, He removes Brian from his embrace. “Anyway, we gotta add one more to that list.” Lint sits back down, so does Brian. 

“Ok, what do we need to bring Soulzy back to life?” Brian asks.

“Well, all we need is the body and I can do the rest.” Lint responds. Brian thinks for a moment, putting his head down, hesitating whether to ask the question he wanted to ask. Lint tilts his head. “What’s wrong?” Brian looks up at him, his eyes with dread in them.

“D.. Do you think you could revive someone else t.. too?” Brian asks. Lint looks at him, a smile fills his face.

“You want me to revive Delilah, don’t you?” Brian looks at Lint, shock in his eyes.

“How do you know she died?” Brian askes as Lint laughs.

“Word spreads fast.” Lint gets up, walking to the door. He gets to the door and sees Brian still sitting. “Are we gonna revive some dead people or not?” Brian looks to Lint. He gets up and sprints over to the exit near Lint.

“Let’s go.” Brian says.


Brian digs the shovel into the dirt of Soulzy’s grave. He’d been doing this for 30 minutes while Lint was digging up Delilah’s. It was really tiring work.

“Ok, done.” Linman says. Brian turns to see he was correct. Brian wipes his forehead.

“How are you done? I’m probably only halfway to digging up Soulzy.” Lint walks over to the grave and takes the shovel from Brian.

“While I do this, how about you get Delilah out of her grave?” Lint says, beginning to shovel dirt. Brian walks over to Delilah’s grave, looking into the hole. He sees her coffin, wood with nails holding it closed. Brian grabs the coffin and pulls it out. Grabbing the crowbar, he puts it under the wood and pulls up, removing the top. He stares at her, her face is still gone but her clothes are brand new. “Ok, done.” Lint taps Brian's shoulder. “Crowbar.” Brian hands him 

the crowbar, not turning away from Delilah. It feels like staring into a blank slate, a place 


where a soul once was. Lint taps his shoulder again, breaking the trance.

“Oh, sorry. What did you say?” Brian says, turning to Lint now.

“I said, I’m ready.” Lint hands Brian a candle, it’s already lit. “Sit here.” Lint indicates a spot next to Soulzy's body, now out of the coffin. Brian sits in the indicated spot, putting the candle in front of him.

Lint sits in the spot from the opposite side of Brian on the other side of the body, also placing the candle in front of him. “Now, stay silent and let me do the rest.” Lint closes his eyes, so does Brian. “Spirits of the holy ones above, bring this soul down back to its body and let it be once more.” Brian opens his eyes, seeing Lint have his open as well. “Give it a minute.” As he finished saying that Soulzy launches into a sitting position. She breathes heavily and lifts her hands, looking at them.

“Wh.. what?” Soulzy says as she starts to look around. “Who are you two?” Soulzy looks at what she is sitting in. “What happened to me?” Soulzy keeps looking around, eventually standing up but Brian hits Soulzy over the back of the head with the crowbar. She falls to the ground, knocked out.

“Let’s revive Delilah then the 3 of us can tie this one up.” Brian says, moving the candle he has over to Delilah’s body. Lint does the same and repeats the words he said before. Then they wait… They wait…. They wait….

Delilah wasn’t waking up.

“I knew this would happen...” Lint says, getting up and kicking the candle.

“Wh.. what do you mean?” Lint paces around.

“I thought since her head was destroyed it might not work, I was right.” Lint stops pacing around. He looks Brian in the eyes. “I’m sorry.” Brian looks to Delilah, tears beginning to form but he holds them back.

“Let’s just rebury her quickly.” He says. And that they do. They grab Soulzy and bring her inside. Time for some interrogation.


A figure with bright pink eyes stares at two men dragging a blue haired woman into the bar. What are they doing?


Soulzy wakes up in her office chair, but her hands are bound behind the chair and she can’t move. All she could do was fight it, but that would do nothing. She looks around, seeing two men on either side of her staring at her. They must have been waiting for her to wake up. Well, this’ll be a show.

“Finally, she’s woken up.” The white haired one says. A dude with shoulder length brown hair walks over to him.

“Are you sure this is alright?” He says, a concerned look on his face.

“Of course.” The other one says, walking over to her. Soulzy laughs.

“You really think this’ll help you?” She laughs even more. “I can go all day.” The white haired one comes over to her, staring at her.

“Listen here you little shit.” He says. “You’re gonna tell me about the disappearances or else...” He pulls out a gun. “You go back to the ground.” Soulzy looks him in the eyes.

“And here I was gonna thank you for bringing me back.” She laughs. “Then you threaten to kill me again.” The white haired one gets frustrated.


“Alright...” He stares at her. “Soulzy, you’re gonna tell me what I need to know.” He kneels down. “Got it?” She laughs. What’s so funny to her?

“Alright then, I’ll try my best.” He just stares at her, what is she playing at? “Aren’t you going to ask me anything?” Brain snaps back into reality.

“Oh yeah.” He gets up, starting to pace back and forth. “What is up with the missing people?” He turns to her. “Where do they go?” Soulzy laughs.

“To the demon of course.” Brain stops pacing, turning to look at her.


“But here’s the thing.” Her face turns more serious. “Those people deserved to be killed.” Brian looks confused.

“What do you mean?”

“Those people I sent to the demon were bad people.” She closes her eyes. “Pedophiles, rapists, all the bad things in the world.” She opens them again. “I would know, the demon only eats those types of people anyway.” Brain stares at her still, shocked at what he was hearing.

“H.. how did you know in the first place?” Lint asks.

“The same way I know you, Lintman.” She closes her eyes, opening them again. They were no longer green but pitch white. “My abilities let me see into anyone I look at.” She turns to Lint. “By the way, you’re reviving my employee that Brian here murdered.” 

“Yo.. you know my name?” Brian asks.

“Yes, I do Brian.” She says. “I also know you blame yourself for Delilah’s d-”

“Shut up.” He says. Soulzy pulls at the ropes binding her.

“Let me out then.” She stares at him, with a serious face. “Or I’ll talk about your childhood with he-”

“FINE!!” He yells. “But I need one thing in return.”

“What is it?” Soulzy says, intrigued.

“I need to see the demon.”


Brian walks into the darkened main area of the bar. Reviving her at midnight was not the best idea but it had to be done for it to work. He starts to clean the rest of the glasses as he waited. Soulzy took Lint to revive the employee. He just had to kill time till she was back and they filled her in. It took a few minutes but all the glasses were cleaned and he started to walk down back to the office. 

He saw something however. There was a figure staring at him. They had bright pink eyes and pitch white skin. They were wearing a pink jumper along with what seemed like a cyan skirt. Their hair was super long and the colour black, but before he could get closer the figure ran into the wall going through and disappearing. Weird. But, he seems to be mesmerised in that one spot as he couldn’t move.


The door in front of him opened and three people entered.

“Brian, are you ok?” Soulzy asks. Brain snaps out of it, shaking his head up and down. “Alright then...” Soulzy gives him a confused look before moving on. They enter back into her office and she stops in front of a bookcase.

“Why are we stopping here?”

Never Finished



Next up

Found this on my hard drive 👀

(I will now disappear into my goodbye again)

10 Reasons To Watch One Piece

A really rough Call Me What You Like Cover (Original By Lovejoy)

Reporter gets hit by Tricky (made by me)

My Spotify year wrapped up. I started using Spotify in July, so it hasn't been that long. Cover of one of the songs coming soon.

Overhaul's grave I would smile

My Tier List (With Friend)

FNAF World is S-Tier for me

I gave my brother family sharing four days ago.....


A slightly (just slightly) less rough cover of Call Me What You Like by Lovejoy