3 years ago

So I went out of my way to make these articles.

The bolded sentence is what kicks off the AIs random text.

The Italic is self entered.

SOURCE: https://app.inferkit.com/demo

The Beeboo and Pikelchu universes are meeting for the first time. They are so different from one another, that if they touched, sparks would shoot out of the characters' joints. So they stay apart.

It was a "tour de force" performance, says Ben Holmes, the executive producer of the show.

"It was incredible that the audience got to spend three minutes with each character, and each of them had a great deal of personality and were able to really draw you into them," he says.

Image caption Daniel Showalter's creatures have become increasingly detailed

"It's a look that we've come up with that really does feel like... a sort of not fantasy, not sci-fi, not fantasy - just the UK, and the characters don't have to be green to have green skin, or they don't have to be big green aliens, or people that you would recognize from Earth."

He says it looks different in the computer-generated form of Beeboo, but with an actor there "we know they're not green".

Ben Holmes says it has been a great journey, and having a show like this - which has no dialogue and relies on technology to tell the story - has the potential to inspire many more young people to become animators.

"Our hope is that it will sort of start a larger conversation about science, technology, maths," he says.

The Beeboo series of 30-second animated shorts is available on the BBC Knowledge website.

Click on the links in the list below to watch:

Title Creator Platform 1 Eyejedi H4 Min Jeremy Bloom video YouTube 2 Strawberry Games CaptainDeadSword video YouTube 3 Pixiish H5 Min

The Sims 4 is a fun game, based on controlling the characters, called "sims".

You create a new sim, choosing their skin color and eye color, then selecting a personality, and finally you play.

In a few minutes you can be playing your sim and they can be doing everything you'd expect them to do.

The game also has a store where you can buy clothes, furniture, shoes, cars, houses, tools, etc.

Pretty much anything the player needs to give their sims a "honeymoon".

I find the ability to turn off the morality meter in the game to be one of the most entertaining things the game has to offer.

It gives you a variety of things to do with your sims.

When you're first playing the game you're only trying to get the basic needs of your sim to be met, like shelter, clothing, food, etc.

In that sense it makes a good game, but if you've played the Sims 3 then there's not much variety.

The game allows you to "make" you sim's with different genetics (genetically modified humans, etc.) so that they are better than your player's player.

Theoretically you could "transmutate" your sim into a mutant, a unicorn, or a talking dog.

I'm pretty sure that a talking dog would have some difficulty in the real world.

The game also has a lot of "fantasy", but it's not really my cup of tea.

In the fantasy, you make your sims into wizards, vampires, werewolves, etc.

These all exist in a fantasy world, and there's no telling whether or not it's really happening or if it's just your own imagination working on overload.

I have to admit, the game has been a little hard on my pocket book.

I've spent about $300 on tools and other Sims items.

It's definitely a game worth playing if you're a fan of the Sims franchise.

If you're not a fan of the Sims, though, you're probably better off playing any one of a number of other game franchises.

Click on the link to get more details




Hello Theorists, and welcome to Game Theory! The show where we make theories that have ruined your childhood since 2011. Today, I would like to cover a theory on the game Ratchet & Clank for the PS2 that's quite popular. Although it's not a "what if" but a "what could have been" type of theory. Don't worry. We'll get there.

When you first put your disc into the disc tray, the first thing you'll see is Ratchet and Clank standing in front of a gate. This is an interesting, yet anachronistic way to start the game. We have no idea what they are doing there, if anything at all. When you start the game, you'll find an item on a pedestal on the wall, but that's about it.

Once you complete the first mission, the entire inside of the prison will be mapped out. The prison is split into six levels and you'll need to traverse them to reach all of the other locations. It's important to note that each area has its own set of rules and you'll need to finish each level in the correct order. You can continue from where you last finished the game, but you will have to start over.

The first level is one of my favorites. It is a subterranean lab where Ratchet is working on a teleportation device. There are four other prisoners besides Ratchet. The first two are Bail and Captain Qwark, a computer hacker and a billionaire. He also has a flaming sword for some reason, which I think we've all come to know by now.

The fourth prisoner, it turns out, is none other than Leela. She's in a glass cage and is wearing a robotic arm and leg. Also, she's wearing a ridiculous shirt that says, "If you got the band, play the song!" Who is that for, again?

"Oh, and a secondary objective in the game is to rescue any imprisoned Ratchet members. As a reminder, there is a global prison system that controls all inmates throughout the galaxy. If any are found, they are tortured and thrown back into the system. But, if you help Ratchet, the game's security system will be reactivated and you'll be given a chance to explore more than one prison level."

It's very good to see Leela again!

By the way, you never know who you'll run into in the game. There are a number of famous actors and musicians that either made cameos or plays a role. For example, yes, Charles Martinet, who did the voice for Tails, has a part in the game.

Also, you never know what you'll find on a play area. In this case, there is an angry troll in a glass cage.

If you look up, there's a very serious-looking arcade machine. As you might expect, it doesn't function.

In the room below, you'll see more than a few Rocket Raccoon toys. Some even come with spinning Rocket Raccoon heads.

There are a number of rats in the prison. Notice that they all have razor blades on their feet.

Oh, this is for you hardcore fans. This is where you can talk to Mary Mayville, the voice of Clank. Just remember that the game has a lot of behind the scenes narration and this is only one bit of it.

Another thing I like to do is look for Easter eggs.

There's a baby in the prison, and it looks like there is a total of six. If you find all six, you'll be able to access the final level, where Clank is kidnapped and forced to do something. No one knows what, so be careful.

There is also a very subtle Easter egg at the end of the game. It's the original working version of the test chamber, the one that Clank goes into after the failed prison break. On it, you can find various clues and details about the future of the game.

Another thing I like to do is look for hidden weapons. The game doesn't really have that many, but when you find one, it's a cool little treat. In this one, you can find a Popeye figure in a trash bin.

When you find all six, you can activate a small button that says, "It's coming! It's coming!"

With six different prison areas, you'll have plenty of fun playing the game. But, it's not all action. There is a bit of story.

The game's narrative has been trimmed down significantly from the previous games. There is only one side quest and the first level only has a total of five levels. You'll follow the story of Ratchet and Clank while trying to save themselves and fellow prisoners from the mysterious prison system.

Geez, the AI really likes the number six, doesn't it.



Next up

Image of what I am working on.


It sounds like a file is compressing somewhere...

Could anybody please give me ideas for the super secret people page and give it a weakness. For example, bringing up the camera (Don't use this one, Inverted already uses it), or something other than lights or mask.


Bro is NOT helping 💀


Say hello to my pokemon OC, Yellow!

He is somewhat related to the Pokémon Yellow game. (as the name might suggest.)


Definitely NOT a mod leak or anything, why would I do anything like that?