The mod is called "Passive Ghost Leviathans" It does what you think it does: makes Ghost Leviathans (and the juveniles) passive. You can even configure how much damage their bite attacks do, and also configure the aggression, if you wanted to do that. I did not make the mod BTW. Download the mod here: Figured I just write about a cool mod I saw. Also here's the mod description: What does this mod do?
Ghost Leviathans (and juveniles) will no longer have any aggression. They will not charge. They may bite you (if you put yourself in their mouth), but you can configure their bites to deal no damage. In that case, the only way they can hurt you is by ramming.
So if you hate having to deal with Ghost Leviathans, then boy oh boy do I know of a good mod for you!
Next up
Well it is 2022 now. Time flies. Anyway, happy new year! On a not-so-great note, I, unfortunately, ended up getting COVID and then getting everyone in my family sick with COVID as well...
2022 isn't going well for me already.
Oh well. Here's this.
so i made a thing
Sneak peak for a mod im working on.
(BTW, the mod is almost complete!)
Why are subnautica glitches so subtly funny?
A recommendation for those who use Scratch
A Smiling Reaper
just saw this on the FNF gamebanana homepage.
I made some Among Us skins; I know they aren't good, but I tried. (From left to right, the Dread Ducky from Dark Deception chapter 3, the Cube from Just Shapes and Beats or JSaB, and the Helicopter from JSaB.)
Phew that was a close one
Well, yet again this happens. Not complaining, but wow.
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