so in december 2022 i remade the living room from TJOC SM to practice modelling (i even posted some time ago on here about it) and yesterday i finished it, its pretty much done what do you guys think of it?
Next up
i started working on hand to hand combat... Suplex WIP
so far i added the default combo for the ground and the forward/backward attacks for both ground and air, i wanna add the default combo for the air and also many delayed combos
my fnaf fangame, After The Fire 1.0 is finally out, on halloween, go play it if you wanna see Springtrap with a Katana
(also please tell Astral Spiff about this game, i really want him to play it)
hey i've been reworking the combat in my Hack & Slash game - Survive and Slash, do you think i've made the combat too fast? i've made it a hybrid lock on system similar to what i did with my FNAF Fan Game After The Fire
We're getting a lot of progress done with FNFN, so here's one of the new things we've finished up!
finally its done
check out the trailer for this fangame, not sure if i will release it now or wait until halloween i will think about it
My Art Summary 2023, what's your favorite part of this year?
i added perfect dodgin to my game/main project Survive and Slash, finally returning to this game after month long break (also fixed an annoying bug yesterday)
ok so i added sliding to my game and im honestly suprised that it actually works pretty much fine without any bugs or issues
when i started working on it i got jokes that Springtrap is a jedi, that's because of the sword trail the katana previously had and since i started revamping the combat i thought of adding a lightsaber as the second weapon, Vader got nothing on Springtrap
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