6 months ago

So innocent (cute lil cyn drawing) [cyn + ๐Ÿ˜‡]



Next up

Tyy for the gifts! I'm not on this account much, but I'll keep up!

I doodled an eyeball :)

i still have beef with chimata


1. I don't feel like drawing rn

2. How the heck do I draw this dude?


Saw a mama cat and her 4 kittens, the moms name is Sally! She bit me a tiny bit one time when I pet her though.

I don't understand why, I fed her ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ

Fluffier and bigger one is called Merlin, he isn't the dad lol

Nah man everyone hates me for real no one liked that post nor joined me ๐Ÿ’”

[~insert great title~]