1 year ago

So, Lizzy randomly decided to talk to me for some reason and asked me to do a figure of V as a cat

I have literally zero clue why she wants this or what she's going to do with it. I'm not even good at drawing on a sheet of paper, let alone making something out of- what do you call that stuff? Whatever. She also wanted me to put mine, N, V, and J's names somewhere too. Do not ask why, i don't know! I've never seen a living cat before, and this doesn't look too bad. Uh- but- pictures don't count! Bite me!

Now I have to figure out how I'm going to get that stuff off my hands



Next up

Reposting this bc I'm bored Don't make me regret this

Drew Foxy for @ArtWorld . Took all day

Drew my friend Jeremiah The Dragon (link to his yt in the article)

Thank you so much @HA33AN

Some vent art of K

School boredom be hitting

V got a new job!