Right now 90% of the tileset work is done.
(this includes auto-tiles for the ground, the ones shown here, as well as props and the like)
The only characters I've yet to completely remake are Alphys and Undyne, though Undyne has like 3 different variations, so that's almost like 4 characters, but I can make a character in like and hour, so that's not really anything to worry about.
I've been having a little trouble with getting Undyne to look good, but I feel like I'm probably just being an idiot, and should just finish the darn sprite already, and then for Alphys I just haven't bothered with her, I honestly have no particular reason.
(also, I still have to remake the shop keepers, but since they only have one image, and I use world sprites instead of giant portraits, that should be a quick job)
As far as bug/playtesting goes, there's still a bug that I've yet to completely figure out. I thought I fixed it but my playtester ran into it again, so I'll have to test things out a few times and work on that.
I would also like to work a bit more on balancing, making enemies a little weaker if the player has 0 EXP, otherwise, it might be a little too hard.
The Soundtrack is 100% complete, however, there's always the possibility for me to add more, but I don't really have any particular plans, so for right now, the full OST can be found on the games page, and of course the game also uses music from Undertale, sometimes sped up or slowed down the the sake of variety.
The fan remixes, not made by me, previously visible in the credits section of the description(I plan on removing them after I finish this post) are not in the final game, and will likely be removed from the files (though I may get dumb and forget)
Other than that, it's mostly just some oddball stuff:
A final run through of all the endings just to make sure it all works right, and to catch typos and the like.
Adding in unique animations for each weapon (another fairly easy thing, since I'm just up scaling the originals and stuff)
Speaking of up-scaling, I have to do that with the rest of the face and battle sprites, though it's tedious, it's not hard or anything, that's why I've put it off.
Putting together a trailer. (I'm planning on just copying the original Undertale's, except with footage from this game, super original, I know
Adding more dogs.