Today, I got noticed outside of the FNaF fandom... yeah, that's pretty much what happened.
But how? Or why? Well, let me begin by saying it all began in my 2023 April Fools post, where I explained the origin of the "TBK331 CompleXX" username, and my interest on a SMW Hack called The Second Reality Project.
Let's go straight to the point: Recently it has been the 10th anniversary of the remaster of the second game (Fun fact: It actually released one day after my 14th birthday: July 12, 2014), and the third game has been now in the works for... 17 years now? (including a 12-year hiatus following the making of the second game's remaster and health issues of the developer)
The thing is that FPI (the developer) noticed my comment on the trailer indicating that it has been over 10 years that TSRP2R got released (I was over a month late, actually)

And well, it's now confirmed that TSRP3 is still alive, and it has made steady progress now thanks to a thread in a SMW forum, it has actually been back on production since mid-2021, but due to different reasons, we may still have to wait at the very least 2028 for it to get released. (Believe me, SMW Hacks take WAY longer that making FNaF fan games)
FPI noticed my comment and mentioned me on his initial post in said thread mentioned earlier.

And that's pretty much it, I hope you're hyped for TSRP3 as much as I do lol.
Link to FPI's thread regarding TSRP3
New life goal: Survive until at least the end of 2028 without getting cancelled.