I wanted to update y'all on what you should expect for when TC2 will happen, since I'm sure many of y'all are wondering after that reveal in the 2/20 ending.
Long story short, it won't happen for a while.
When I added the teaser at the end of 2/20 mode, I had TC2 all planned out. I had lots of assets rendered, I had the mechanics thought of, I had the story thought of, etc. But since then, I've been rethinking lots of things for TC2.
The version I was currently coming up with was WAY too similar to the first game and didn't feel new or fresh at all, it just felt like a barely different version of TC1 with Twisted Freddy slapped onto it. So, I decided I wanted to make TC2 more unique, interesting, and bigger then TC1 for sure. A friend also highly requested to render most if not all the assets in Blender Cycles, which I'll do in time (before 99% of them were rendered in just Eevee).
Another thing is I ain't a pro game developer. I like playing games more then I do making/directing them. So it might be a bit before that inner game developer pops out again.
So yeah, I just wanted to update y'all on TC2 cuz I thought this was very important for y'all to know. So for now, I'll see y'all next time something big happens for Twisted Circuit 2!

(App icon for TC2, just thought it'd be cool to share)