soultale OFFICIAL page

4 years ago

So this was flowey fight thumbnail..

As i said is like rll pog so i tought of reuploading it here even tho the flowey page is now private

once again , all the credits for this art go to @mazou i advise you to follow em , they make really good stuff

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New logo bois! Credits to Codax for making it!

Layer 7 p ranked!!

Since I didn’t showed progress for a the flowey sprite!

Credits go to mazou

Guys oh my god😳

this took me 4 hours of nonstop gaming

my hands hurts


Really hope toby releases ch3 alone and then ch4-5 together as by the look of things its not a massive lore chapter or knight focused chapter, which makes sense since kris made the fountain..also not updating the game for 5-6 years would prolly kill hype

I have about 55 hours in the worst rated 3DS game :fire: