So recently Five Nights at Sonic's is now bad idk why or how did this happen but I'll take my own thoughts
This game is shit alot of dramas I don't even understand why in the tf world would fnas be like this, fnas is a game based on a simple joke and then it gets worst, the next day it gets worst
Why why like no seriously the game was popular at that time like no fucking way
It makes me sad, angry on how those game was treated like
It was treated by kids who does tamper tantrum who they can't even handle criticism seriously if fnas is like this iam done I will leave the fnas community
For fnas fans iam sorry but I want to leave the community for good even if its bad but still fnas is my favourite game it inspired me to make games just like a week with Jaiver (BTW the 3rd game is good check it out)
I feel like fnas is not nistolgic to me no more