Since we have all the characters now we just need designs for said characters and thats going to be the hardest part imo for this project. since we don't have a art direction yet. But luckly I do have some ideas for the characters but not sure if they should wear swim suits or not. I don't want to sexualize the characters and I'm not sure if swimsuits do or don't since most characters in the game will be women
Next up
Thumbnail for video at 3pm est
Okay so I know the thumbnail looks like buns, it's just a placeholder for now and I plan on fixing it FAST!
Not a big update today cause been busy with life but here's the outfit idea for the otter character
I'm making a fnaf fan game called Marina's Lunar Lagoon a fnaf game that takes place in a WATER PARK!
And I need help!
For People That Make FNAF Fan Games, What's The Better Game Engine? ClickTeam Or Godat?
Custom Night Animatronics/Characters For Marina's Lunar Lagoon! Any input would be apperciated #fnaf
So I started to develop the logo of the game (ignore the background)
Marina will work like rowen rat, you need to zapp her on a camera to make her happy! (Not sure if it's going to be like the pwp method or tmn for finding her)
I can't wait for PwP 2.0 to drop, I would love to make a video on that goated game again
The only problem I have rn with this game idea is what engine? Because I need something that can handle a lot of water movement and flow with smooth animations for everything that happens.
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