Yes, kind of.
Since January 14th, few days after I began building up Wolfy's Hotel 3, I got side tracked to working on a book, and that got me away from development for a while.
When Roblox released it's audio update, I thought for once this update could be awesome, but no, it was the opposite of awesome. As I told this before, Roblox released an update that caused me to fix the Wolfy's Hotel games' audio.
That was 4 months ago, and that's when I worked on Roblox studio last time. It may just be that.
Wolfy's Hotel 3 started really well. After the text teasers, I began building the lobby and the map and woah all you WH fans would have loved it. I never got to making a finished model. I just couldn't feel but to hate modelling on Roblox. The new Wolfy's model would have been used for the next teaser but that never happened anyway.
I will now show some work that was done for the making of the WH3 Wolfy McWolf design, since if I ever get back on this, it will be remodeled.
^ The unfinished model
^ The endoskeleton only for the Wolfy model, because each character was meant to have unique endoskeletons.
^ My latest model, made in the style of my older models, in attempt to revive my hype lol. That failed.
^ The scrapped head design. It was just too off from the concept art that I made for it.
Will Wolfy's Hotel return?
Yes. It will someday, I don't know when, but I know it's not over forever.