2 years ago

Some edits

Imagine if it was real



Next up

Is some one have model file of this ink bendy for blender? I've been searching it for one day

Hello i'm again so this is"riders shadow"from Sonic riders,

Bye see u next time;)

My school just give this book to meπŸ’€πŸ’€

New Looks for the UI elements, cameras are looking even closer to what we want. What do you think so far?

Hello,i'm again,this basicaly just a remake from my old drawings

ITS,"Coco bandicoot,from crash bandicoot,fan art by me,bye see u next time;)

They are finally together and THEY HAVE THEIR OWN ROOM!

Hello,i'm again so this is"classic Sonic",fan art by me,bye see u next time;)

Hello i'm again so this is"roxane wolf"digital version and original,fan art by me,bye see u next time;)


Sometimes we wonder if he's joking or telling the truth

Hello,i know i don't upload for a long time,so today i upload again,

So this is riders Sonic

Fan art by me,bye see u next time;)

(Maybe i upload again)