9 months ago

Some fan art's made by my friend's representing Casey !

( the first one is mine )



Next up

Soooooo ... now he is animated ...

I might make a mod about him

I drew my OC's design on Chemistry lesson .

Compared to the last one , this one looks so much better imo .

Have you ever wanted to be drawn by ME ? Well , propably not , but if yes , then read the article .


Well, Update is Deleyed -> December

For few reasons, but hopefully it will be worth it! More in article

How's your NNN going ?

I have drawn my OC as a PSR character .

🤑Like this post or else ill put c4 under your bed 🤑

Caiso , the biggest gigachad in all of Gaming History 🗿

I found [i guess] all easter eggs of this

Pretty fun!

Original game by @PlushieStudent and @NiktWaznyDev

He is literaly the best character in the game fr fr :