after days of drawing these characters i finally finished drawing! yes, while days went by I was drawing these characters, all the fnas characters!! and some fan games too, these characters were planned for fnas mm plus, but this game was cancelled, meanwhile these characters were never seen again after that, and then the game creator decided to show the things that happened in mm+ while he was working on the game, but since fnas mm infinite arrived he brought some mm plus characters back to the game but I won't say who yeah, and when I saw many characters I decided to draw them all, I stayed and spent days drawing the characters I did the part showing them on discord and twitter, and you must be wondering how I found these characters? simple, the creator just revealed and I saw and I drew it, it was in the fnas fandom, but I won't say, it can cause problems, so that's it, I drew everything i hope you liked it
and remember, they are just scrapped characters,some